Thursday, March 5, 2020

What is your learning style

What is your learning style 0SHARESShare The ancient command by Socrates and Plato to ‘Know Thyself’ extends to the modern world too, especially in the field of education. It is important to know your own learning style so that you can use it with better precision to increase learning abilities. The three accepted styles of learning are those of auditory learning, kin esthetic and visual. Most of us accept the audio form of learning when we attend lectures in school and class. Although this is the most common form of teaching and learning only a fraction of the students can pay enough attention to retain all that is spoken. Most students’ minds begin to wander after a few minutes of listening and many are prone to sleeping in class. It becomes necessary to add visual aids to hold the attention of students. If you find yourself paying attention only when some material is shown to corroborate the subject being studied then your style of learning is certainly visual. It is thus common to have blackboards and whiteboards in class to give a visual aspect to the audible speech of the teacher. The third kind of learning is done through the sense of touch or tactile style of learning. This will surely be your forte if you prefer to work in a hands-on environment. Perhaps you love to touch things in the laboratory and add an additional dimension by smelling them. Maybe you are comfortable with taking apart mechanical gadgets and then putting them together again. In this case it is certain that your style of learning can be categorized as being kin esthetic or tactile. Having discovered your favorite style of learning with experience it is best to sharpen your learning skills by attending classes and learning subjects which you feel are well adapted to your learning style. The most preferred style is that of visual learning. Research shows that 65 percent of people prefer this style. Only 5 percent go for the tactile style of learning while the remaining 30 percent are comfortable with an audio style of learning. Your learning style will also determine your future career. You should collaborate with your teachers and ask them to configure lectures and presentations into a style which is comfortable for you. This will certainly help you in acquiring academic excellence. [starbox id=admin]

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